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English B

In this subject we did a lot of reading and a lot of creative stories.

Evidence 1

Creative Writing Story: Normandy Beach

How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic?


This piece of work represents the IB Learner Profile of open-mindness because I had to use my creativity and imagination to create the story. Additionally, I had to make use of my open-mindness to write about World War II. 


Which challenges did I face when developing this particular evidence? 


At first I struggled figuring out how to start and organize my story. Also, I had to take some time to think about what I wanted to write. However, after a while I got some ideas and I began writing the story. This was done using the IB Learner Profile Characteristic of open-mindness.


How can this particular evidence help me in the future? 

This evidence will help me in the future because I learned how to structure a story and how to organize my ideas in order to create a written piece of work. Additionally, it forced me to think outside the box using my open mindness which may be useful for the future. 

Evidence 2

Story with a character: The journey of the immortals 

How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic?


This piece of work shows the IB Learner Profile Characteristic of communicators because I had to communicate my ideas in a creative way in order to create a story. Moreover, I had to consider different perspectives before creating the story. This strategy helped me to express my ideas in a more clearer and eloquent way. 



Which challenges did I face when developing this particular evidence? 


Ironically, the main struggle I faced was to organize my ideas to communicate them properly before writing the story. At first I had trouble choosing the words that would express my thought to convey emotion. However, after a while I got inspired and managed to create a very good story. 


How can this particular evidence help me in the future? 

This evidence helped me to develop my communication skills. This ability will be used in future occasions and will facilitate the way I express myself and my relationships with people. 

Evidence 3

Diary Entry 2

How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic?


This evidence shows the IB Learner Profile reflective because I had to consider my ideas and experiences to write my diary. Additionally, I had to apply everything I've learned in class to create my response. 


Which feelings or memories do I remember while thinking about the evidence? 


This particular evidence made me think about the times I have felt lonely and sad. It brought up many memories from my childhood that made me reflect on how much I have grown in the past few years. Moreover, this piece of work made me think about how much my ideas and I have changed and developed.


What did I learn about myself while completing this evidence? 


As I mentioned before, the diary made me reflect on who I am as a person and how much I've grown. Therefore, by writing my response I discovered that I have become a more sensitive, social and thoughtful person.



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